You Can Strengthen Your Relationship and Enjoy A Deeper Bond

Would you like to have more fun in your relationship?

With Couples Therapy in Brooklyn, New York

I work with all kinds of couples. I help each couple to communicate more effectively, speak and listen to each other about difficult topics, with greater care and understanding, so they can heal their wounds and bridge the gulf that has developed over time.

Couples therapy has the power to transform your relationship so that it can enhance your life.

Some relationship issues I help couples with in my practice:

Communication Problems

Do you have difficulties communicating effectively with each other, and often feel misunderstood?
Are you feeling disconnected from each other due to trouble speaking about meaningful and difficult concerns?

Sexual Issues

Are you finding your sexual desires are at odds with your partner’s?
Perhaps one of you wants sex more often than the other.
Are you concerned about performance and want to feel more free with your partner?

Trust Issues

Do you worry about discussing certain topics with your partner?
Do you feel you can trust your partner?
Do you feel your partner can trust you?
Do you sometimes feel unsafe with your partner?

Conflict Resolution

Would you like to strengthen your connection to each other so you can deepen your bond?

Sometimes the conflicts that emerge in a couple seem impossible to resolve. Through the work of couples therapy solutions can be found, communication can improve, difficult conversations can emerge, trust can deepen and your sex life can improve.

I encourage you to talk directly to each other, about your needs and emotions, in the here and know. This can facilitate new experiences of connection and direct ways of communicating. You might find it’s difficult to talk about your wants and needs to your partner, directly and clearly. It is difficult but can be learned. In couples therapy you get to practice with the support of a trained psychotherapist who is interested in both of you.

My empathetic and insight driven approach can help you develop the self-awareness and courage to begin to trust your thoughts and feelings, and to take the risks you have been wanting to take.